2023.06.17(六) 19:00
【舞夜琴深】Una Noche de Bailarines
舞蹈/菲利佩.謝 (Felipe Hsieh), 安妮.蔡 (Annie Tsai)
➽時間:2023/06/17 (Sat) 19:30-21:30 (19:00開放入場)
➽報名:Accupass售票網 ; bit.ly/3M97I9p
➽地點:In the Ally 隱巷 (台中西區中興街)
主辦:艾瑪 Alma Tango 樂團
協辦:TangoStyle Felipe.H
《在40年代的布宜諾斯艾利斯。她是那個區最漂亮的女孩。他不會跳舞。但他有一個夢想。他們的相遇永遠改變了探戈的歷史。》—— 《探戈情未了》(Un Tango Más)
瑪莉亞 和 璜・卡洛斯 在探戈的舞會裡相遇而相識,他們從相愛到怨懟,激情、背叛與憎惡的探戈人生…
這是一對偉大探戈舞者的真實故事,此次艾瑪探戈樂團 Alma Tango 特別邀請了 班多鈕琴家李承宗 和 專業阿根廷探戈舞者 Felipe y Annie ,他們將以精湛的舞技詮釋兩人初次相識時舞會上播放的這首充滿深情的 Remolino,以及充滿愛恨糾結的 Danzarín 等多首經典探戈曲目。
《En la Buenos Aires de los años 40. Ella era la más linda del barrio. Él no sabia bailar. Pero tenía un sueño. Su encuentro cambió la historia del Tango para siempre. 》—— Un Tango Más / 探戈情未了
Maria and Juan Carlos met and got acquainted at a tango dance party. Their relationship transitioned from love to resentment, filled with passion, betrayal, and hatred...
This is the true story of a pair of great tango dancers. For this occasion, Alma Tango Band has specially invited bandoneon player Lee Cheng-Tsung and professional Argentine tango dancers Felipe and Annie. They will interpret with their exquisite dance skills, the deeply passionate "Remolino," which played at the dance party where they first met, as well as the love-hate entangled "Danzarín," among many other classic tango pieces.
Additionally, this concert will feature several songs composed by Piazzolla, set in the backdrop of a small pub, offering a different flavor compared to traditional tango music. On June 17, let's immerse ourselves in the beautiful bandoneon music and tango dance, spending a Saturday night interwoven with love and hate.
凡購票入場的觀眾都可以憑票卷在公演前的 6:00-6:30 參加【舞夜琴深/前導活動。探戈舞體驗。】
-- 將由主演的舞者Felipe老師親自指導,讓您更深入了解探戈中的連結與即興,對於接下來的音樂會演出將有更多的感觸。