Urgent Announcement 緊急通知

Post date: Feb 08, 2020 9:50:44 AM

- In order to avoid the risk of group infections, all group lessons and private lessons are suspended till 24/2. All memberships will be extended for 17 days.

-The Beginners Courses are suspended and will re-open and start on 7 March

-The classroom can be rented for practice during this period.  1.5hr with 1 point for one person, 1 hr with 1 point for 2 persons. Please whatsapp us  for more details.

- 為了避免群聚感染風險,所有公開課和私人課暫停直到24/2。 所有會員資格將延長17天。

- 新手入門班暫停,7/3(週六)新班復課。

- 常課暫停期間,教室仍開放自主練習。單人借用每1.5小時1點,兩人借用每1小時一點。詳情私訊洽詢。