Tango Quests - 20200607

Post date: Jun 08, 2020 4:47:23 AM

Basics and steps:



11. Where we put our holding hand in a tango posture?

12. Where is the body axis when pivoting forward to the left?

13. Where is the moving energy from when we walk backward with the right foot?

14. What is the most important but very basic thing that we would miss in a walk or step?

15. How many degrees does the man turn for a basic Enrosoque in general?

16. When is the right timing for the woman’s sidestep during a giro con Enrosoque?

17. When is the right timing for the man's Lapiz after a giro con Enrosque?

18. How many degrees shall the woman turn her hip in general while the man turns his chest 15 degrees?

19. How many different “Embrace”s do we have in tango? Name(s)?

20. What are the most advance and hardest elements in Tango?

Musicality & Culture:

21. How many tango styles does the tango have? Their names?

22. What is the speed or tempo for a Molinete?

23. The names of the most important 4 orchestras of tango?

24. Which orchestra is as important as the big-4?

25. List the relations between important orchestras and the tango styles.